Tom’s FPI Blog April 2022

Jake HardieNews, TomsBlog

Apologies for the long gap since my last blog, but there hasn’t been much happening over the early Spring so not much to report. I was supposed to play 3 tournaments in Africa in March but a combination of events meant that 3 turned into one so not as much competitive golf as I would have liked. On the plus side, that has meant more time at home on the Island and I really enjoyed the FPIL Golf Clinic at the end of last month. It was great to see so many people and I think (hope) that everyone went away quite happy, and with some swing tips!

In preparation for the European season starting, I took the opportunity to sharpen up my competitive edge with a couple of events in Scotland at the start of May on their Tartan Tour. It was good trip, with a 5th place in first event at Barassie, shooting 9 under for the two rounds. For the second event at Dundonald the wind had got up and the scoring was tougher, but I still managed a decent finish (25th) with lots of encouraging signs.

I’m now just looking forward to getting back out onto the Challenge Tour for the main part of the season.